Ayurvedic reset

Sept. 29th-Oct. 6th, 2024
Guided Virtually by Co-Founder, Deva Shantay

An Ayurvedic reset at each seasonal turn supports detoxification, rejuvenation and wellbeing. Ayurveda, the science of longevity, teaches us to live in harmony with our unique constitution while cultivating balance and harmony in our lives. This consciously designed Reset calms the mind, brings clarity and groundedness, improves energy and vitality, promotes regular and balanced elimination and optimal health.

Cost $195




How to Begin

1. Register online (all sales final). 

2. Download the manual following your registration. The Reset manual contains everything you need to know.

3. Purchase the necessary supplies ASAP. A shopping list is included in the manual.

4. Create space in your life to fully receive the benefits of the Reset with ample time for self care and relaxation.

*Disclaimer: This is for individuals in good health. It is not recommended to participate in a reset if you are pregnant, nursing, menstruating, acutely ill, or dealing with a serious health condition. Please check with your doctor to find out if a Reset is recommended for you.

Included in the Reset

1. Live 2hr virtual workshop: September 29th, 10am-12pm (mtn). This workshop will jump-start the Reset! We’ll explore practices, self-care rituals, the daily outline for the Reset and tips/tools to support you during this week of deep connection. 

2. Instructional Videos for each stage of the process. 

3. Informative manual featuring: self-care rituals, shopping lists, seasonal eating guidelines, Ayurvedic wisdom and mindfulness practices.

4. Virtual Call with Live Q/A: October 2nd, 7pm-8pm (mtn).

5. Guided Meditations.

6. Yoga Asana Videos.

7. Emails to guide and keep you inspired!

8. Unlimited email support during the Reset.




1. Reflect

When beginning something new, it’s important to take time to reflect on the past. You will reflect on your body, mind, spirit and external environment. With this knowledge, consider what is in and out of balance. This will allow you to set a proper intention for the week ahead. Intention guides the flow of energy so that your actions bring you into deeper alignment.

During this stage you will prepare the body and mind with daily practices, journaling, meditation, yoga and eating a clean and nourishing diet.

2. Reset

Now is the time to reset your system—take a pause from what was before and give rest to allow for what is to come. This stage includes the practices and rituals utilized in the first stage, but also incorporates a mono-diet of both kitchari and ghee to support your digestive fire (agni), which is key to optimum health, supporting our ability to digest, assimilate and absorb nutrients from our food.

Kitchari is considered the “perfect meal” because it contains all essential macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. The combination of rice and mung dal provides all the amino acids needed to form a complete protein. The skillful use of spices and vegetables produce balancing effects for the three doshas, is a complete food that is easy to digest, gives strength and vitality and nourishes all the tissues of the body.

3. Restore

Now we prepare the body to enter back into our everyday life—yet hopefully after the time and space to reflect and reset, we no longer enter back as what once was. This stage looks similar to the first stage as you will return to eating three clean meals a day with a focus on hydration continuing the daily ritual practices and self-care.

As you ease back into life gently and reintroduce foods gradually (continuing to avoid caffeine, alcohol, meat and sugar), pay attention to those items that no longer serve you and consider permanently removing them from your lifestyle and diet.

4. Ritual

Self-care is a vital component of a healthy and beneficial Reset. It should accompany the process but also become a part of a healthy daily routine following the Reset. Dinacharya is the daily ritual of living a healthy and balanced life and is based on the belief that we operate on a rhythm dictated by the patterns of the sun, moon and stars.

A morning dinacharya ritual sets the tone for your entire day, establishing balance and reconnecting you to the rhythms of nature, nourishing and cleansing the body while clearing the mind. During the entire Reset you will practice a variety dinacharya practices that will hopefully become a part of your daily life going forward.





Seer and visionary endowed with the gift of intuitive sight, master yoga therapist (E-RYT 500, IYT 1000), Ayurvedic practitioner and chef, advanced medicinal aromatherapist, fine artist, dedicated mother and co-creator of True Nature Healing Arts Foundation in Carbondale, Colorado, USA and Loma Sagrada in Nosara, Costa Rica—two scared spaces that support inspiration, connection and self-discovery. Deva supports clients in understanding their karmic obstacles so they can discover and live their life purpose. She is able to see deeply into her client’s subconscious, bringing awareness to that which is unresolved, suggesting ways to call forth greater alignment, harmony and purpose. Currently residing in Costa Rica, offering individual and group sessions (virtually and in-person), workshops, retreats and yoga teacher trainings globally.
