wINTER retreat:
A True Nature Healing Arts Showcase

Friday, January 12th - Sunday, January 14th

Our Winter Retreat is a thoughtfully curated showcase of the many aspects of True Nature Healing Arts - weaving together a journey of sound, yoga, ceremony, live music, delicious food and so much more - for a truly transformative weekend.

The stillness of winter is powerful medicine for the soul. We invite you to surrender into this season, allowing nature's quietude to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and renewal.


Winter is the time to reconnect with your innermost self, a season to embrace the medicine of the North. This retreat beckons you to uncover your deepest self, it is a pilgrimage to the core of your being.

Join us on this quest for self-discovery, and let the profound message of the North awaken the magic within you.

An enriching weekend of
inspiration, connection, and self-discovery.




  • With Your Winter Retreat Hosts - Nicole Lindstrom and Megan Miller

    We look forward to welcoming you to True Nature Healing Arts - where we will meet one another for the very first time and take a tour around the campus.

    Our inner compasses seem to spin wildly at times. Here and now, our coordinates are set.

    The compass bearings have brought us to True Nature and will guide us through this sacred campus, finding our feet beneath us in deep presence and receptivity.

    Each of us has come to the Winter Retreat through various pathways and unique moments along the way.

    We recognize the significance of these individual pathways and here, we begin to cohesively weave together the threads of our now collective and joined experience.

  • With Meghan Gilroy

    Using the power of our intent and sacred ceremony, together we’ll set the energetic container for our retreat experience with shamanic healer & sacred ceremonialist Meghan Gilroy.

    We’ll welcome in the seven directions with a special focus on the medicine of North, calling our wisdom, elders and ancestors for support - alongside the potency of winter’s deep stillness.

    We’ll then be guided on a soul journey to drop into our focus for the coming days and tune into the messages from our innermost self. We’ll build an altar together and add our intent and light to it.

    Whether you’re new to ceremony or have been tending to this ancient spiritual practice for years, come align with your True North and contribute your energy to kick off the co-creation of this deeply transformative weekend.

    The intent is for you to walk away from this opening ceremony feeling nourished, more connected to your own inner knowing and ready to greet a fuller embodiment of yourself as both human and Spirit.

    Please bring a crystal or meaningful object to add to the altar, which you will take home with you. You may also wish to have your journal to capture your intent and focus for your weekend.


    Meghan Gilroy is a shamanic healer, spiritual life coach and sacred ceremonialist. Named a “spiritual leader of the next generation” in her early twenties by don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, she has since worked with thousands of women around the world. Her life’s mission is to be a wayshower and guide in our remembering: we are sacred, we can trust ourselves and our intuition and we have the power to create lives and work that lights up our souls. Now based with her family in the North Fork Valley, she often can be found traveling the world tending to sacred sites and creating powerful ceremonies. She offers 1:1 mentoring, in-person and online programs, customized ceremony and private and group retreats.

    You can visit Meghan’s website at, follow her on instagram or email her at

  • With True Nature Healing Arts Chef, Savanna

    Join us for a nourishing winter delightful dinner with our very own True Nature Healing Arts Chef, Savanna. This private dinner will be held in our stunning cafe patio - for an intimate time of joyous and heartfelt connection.



  • With Benjamin Aley

    An exploration into Sheng Zhen meditation, the Qi Gong of unconditional love.

    Purify the heart, calm the mind, harmonize the body and elevate the spirit.

    Through joyful movement and inner stillness we merge with the universe in a return to oneness.

    “The heart is quiet like the moon”

    “The heart is clear like water.”

    This practice is comprised of gentle, healing movement and meditation to cultivate and balance Qi (life force energy) in the body.

    Benjamin Aley

    Benjamin Aley is a life long learner, a perpetual student of sonic semblance, a follower of the heart and a devotee to love. Drawing on the subtle, vibrational thread of frequency that weaves us together through the energetic web of mystery and wonder, Ben shares his love of music and passion for life, health and happiness through the heart expanding practice of Sheng Zhen Qi Gong. With a welcoming heart he invites all to explore the gentle, revitalizing and transformative power of unconditional love.

  • With Ann O’Brien

    Join us for meditation, energy work and manifesting exercises to create your best 2024!

    In this workshop, you’ll be empowered to reclaim your power from the past, release your blocks and get clear on your values today. Then, you’ll plant seeds and invite in guidance for the relationships, career, happiness and abundance you desire.

    Let’s harness the magic of this time of year together!


    Ann O’Brien is a no-nonsense mystic, intuitive, and teacher of practical intuition.

    Since 2004, she has supported thousands of private clients, and has spoken and taught around the US. Beginning in 1999, she completed 10 years of psychic training along with studies in yoga, holistic health and conscious relationships. She has many loyal long-term clients and graduates of her Intuitive Training Programs.

    In addition, Ann is a first degree black belt (shodan) in Aikido and teaches childrens’ and adults’ classes.

    Ann is the author of two #1 Amazon best-sellers, A Woman’s Guide to Conscious Love: Navigating the Play of Feminine and Masculine Energy in Your Relationships, and Everyone Is Psychic: How to Awaken Your Intuition to Improve Your Relationships, Enrich Your Life & Read Others.

    She lives in the Roaring Fork Valley of Western Colorado.

  • We invite you to enjoy personal time exploring our cafe, boutique, spa and Peace Garden.

    Lunch is included in your retreat ticket and you also receive 10% off any spa service should you like to experience our spa during this time.

    We will have a warm fire going in the Peace Garden Fire Circle where you can connect with intention setting through herbs and prayers.

    During this personal time, we encourage you to indulge your senses and open your curiosity through exploration of the winter moments in the Peace Garden.


    The popular True Nature Organic Café reflects our commitment to wellness and connection through delicious organic fare sourced from the community, for the community.

    The menu of soups, salads, and baked goods has been crafted with a focus on seasonal, locally sourced food, including vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options made without preservatives or GMO ingredients.

    We also offer fair trade solar-roasted coffee and one of the largest organic tea selections in the Rockies.

  • With Amy Fairbanks


    Inspired by “Morning Altars” by Day Schildkret.

    Morning Altars is a 7-step practice that combines nature, art and ritual, resulting in deepening your relationship with Mother Earth and practicing mindfulness in nature.

    This practice is for everyday mindfulness, yet also for big life events to help you celebrate or grieve, to say hello or to say goodbye.


    Amy Fairbanks has been a lifelong lover of nature and art. It wasn't until the pandemic that she encountered Morning Altars by Day Schildkret, as a way to combine her two loves together in a ritual that helped her make it through that troubled time and helped her strengthen her bond with Mother Earth. Since then, Amy has spent over 100 hours with Day in his inaugural Teacher Training program and is a certified Morning Altars teacher. Amy has deepened her practice to include daily intentions and finding the tiny lessons that nature sends her during her time sitting with the earth. She looks forward to sharing this ritual with you during the Winter Retreat.

  • With Eliza Demarest and Gabriela E Mejia

    Inner Flow: A Lunar Experience to Cultivate Calmness + Receptivity, through the transformative power of yin yoga + sound medicine.

    Yin Yoga is a passive yoga practice that invites you to explore gentle poses, held in the body longer to focus on the connective tissues - influencing greater range of motion, relaxation and inner stillness.

    Allow the intentional interplay of music and breath to guide you into a sacred union of body, mind, and restful rhythm.


    Eliza Demarest, Yoga Teacher

    Born and raised in Mount Shasta, California - Eliza is a lover of movement, music, nature and community. She is a certified yoga teacher and somatic practitioner, and has taught in the Roaring Fork Valley for five years. She nurtures a sense of grace, belonging and inner peace in all the experiences she guides. Whether Eliza is hosting a yoga retreat or offering a sound bath, she shares from a place that is informed by her devotion to personal practice, growth, and self discovery - as both student and teacher.


    Gabriela E Mejia, Musician

    Gabriela E Mejia is a versatile artist born in Honduras. Her creative prowess spans music, art, dance, and cultural exploration. She's a multi-instrumentalist, weaving melodies across the piano, guitar, ukulele, and traditional African instruments like Ngoni and Djembe. As an artist, she paints vibrant murals, and her dance performances enchant audiences. Gabriela's artistry is a captivating fusion of her Honduran roots and global rhythms, bringing to life the essence of her heritage through every note, dance step, and brushstroke. She invites you on a journey where she harmoniously blends the diverse colors of her artistic palette.



  • With Nicole Lindstrom and Alya Howe

    We will begin this journey together with the sacred plant medicine of cacao, in ceremonial reverence and intention - tapping into intuition - giving clarity to our gut instincts and expansive heart wisdom.

    As we center deeply within authentic expression, Alya will guide us through 2 of Laban’s Movement Scales (like musical scales) to create expressive and dynamic movement in collaboration with the creative qualities of cacao.

    We will learn how to apply the scales in conversational gestures to play with the merging of meaning and movement.

    We will play with contrast to kinesthetically feel disconnect; stumbling into the experiential realms of yoga; “bringing together”, creating a profound and felt sense of harmony and union.

    Nicole Lindstrom

    Your Winter Retreat Host and Legacy Cacao Ceremonialist.

    Alya Howe


    Alya Howe was the founding GM for Kindness Yoga Studios Denver, a beloved teacher at Samadhi; locally she teaches at TNHA and Vimana House. She uses all of her tools to facilitate greater ease, belonging and freedom

  • We invite you to enjoy personal time exploring our cafe, boutique, spa and Peace Garden.

    Lunch is included in your retreat ticket and you also receive 10% off any spa service should you like to experience our spa during this time.

    During this personal time, we encourage you to indulge your senses and open your curiosity through exploration of the winter moments in the Peace Garden.


    The popular True Nature Organic Café reflects our commitment to wellness and connection through delicious organic fare sourced from the community, for the community.

    The menu of soups, salads, and baked goods has been crafted with a focus on seasonal, locally sourced food, including vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options made without preservatives or GMO ingredients.

    We also offer fair trade solar-roasted coffee and one of the largest organic tea selections in the Rockies.

  • With Emily White

    A simple yet powerful practice of rejuvenating movement to guide you into embodied safety, your intrinsic strength, and tap into true health and well being.

    • Learn how to use the earth and move within your body at a pace that invites healing wisdom

    • Cultivate sensory awareness, and explore cellular breathing

    • Welcome in a deeper relationship with your body’s innate wisdom.

    Emily White’s passion lies in helping you renew your relationship with your inner strength and vitality. Her own challenges with learning inform her gentle and methodical approach to supporting your evolutionary journey towards sustainable health and well-being.

    She crafts movement progressions that allow you to know your body better, unwind hard to reach places, tap into your deep core support and weave resilient strength into your body.

    Her offerings have been celebrated as “physical nourishment.”"


    Emily White celebrates movement as medicine. Her dynamic Hatha flow yoga classes invite you to explore movement with fresh and forgiving eyes, tap into your inner strength and tune into your innate wisdom.

    A lover of adventure, Emily found her way to yoga to soothe her sore muscles, quiet her mind and listen to her heart. Emily arrived in Carbondale, CO over a decade ago, warmed by the sweet glow of Mount Sopris and a clear intention to create a new possibility for her life. Yearning for a deep dive into yoga philosophy and asana, Emily studied the foundations of Anusara yoga in Nova Loverro’s 5 Gems 200 YTT, infusing in her a heart centric, alignment based approach to teaching yoga. Hungry for more yoga goodness and a desire to hone her teaching skills, Emily joined Kula for a Vinyasa 200 YTT.

    Her desire to help people live happier healthier lives led her to study movement. Her work as a PT Aide, and a NASM personal trainer, ignited her quest to delve deeper and study the language and essence of somatic movement with teacher Kaila June. Following a car accident that left her physically injured and emotionally untethered, Emily used these very movement practices as a deep healing remedy.

    In 2021, Emily renewed and deepened her love and dedication for teaching Hatha yoga by immersing herself in True Nature Healing Arts 200 YTT. Emily continues to evolve and enrich her practice with teacher Alya Howe.

    Emily’s playful and openhearted approach to teaching, aims to help you embody your practice by inviting you to journey into each pose with clarity and grace. Expect a Hatha-based flow with an invitation to explore your own inner landscape and build strength from the inside out.

  • With Alya Howe

    Behind every achievement, every success, there is Sankalpa Shakti, the powers of simplicity and clarity paired with commitment and determination.

    This practice of marrying desire with determination is the key to making a Sankalpa truly effective.

    Building confidence and success with short-term achievable goals is the potency of Sankalpa Shakti.


    Alya Howe


    Alya Howe was the founding GM for Kindness Yoga Studios Denver, a beloved teacher at Samadhi; locally she teaches at TNHA and Vimana House. She uses all of her tools to facilitate greater ease, belonging and freedom




Nicole Lindstrom

Nicole Lindstrom is a yoga and meditation teacher who teaches all over the world. She is the co-author of “WANDERLUST: A Modern Yogi's Guide To Becoming Your Best Self" and founder of GLDMND, guiding individuals and groups to the gold that lies within.

From guiding hikes and meditations with Wanderlust to leading global retreats with Yogascapes and Lead with Love, Nicole has an incredible depth of expertise and knowledge in holding space and curating group experiences.


Megan Miller

Megan Miller is a gardener of plants and passion, and her greatest hopes are that we might all find a deeper connection to the land and to ourselves. As former Peace Garden Manager, she is honored to continue offering these gifts of gratitude to the land and our community. She integrates her deep understanding of the science and spirituality of biodynamic gardening with her artistic eye in a harmonious manner. She is a Master Gardener with a degree in Horticulture and Landscape Design, as well as a Permaculture Design Certificate and multiple trainings in Biodynamic Agriculture.



All photos taken by Sky Lahood