WINTER retreat:
A True Nature Healing Arts Showcase

Friday, January 10th - Sunday, January 12th

Our Winter Retreat is a thoughtfully curated showcase of the many aspects of True Nature Healing Arts - weaving together a journey of ceremony, yoga, live music, and so much more - for a truly transformative weekend.


The quiet of Winter is powerful medicine for the soul. We invite you to expand into this season, allowing nature's fullest expression to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and renewal.

An enriching weekend of
inspiration, connection, and self-discovery.




  • With your host, Nicole Lindstrom

  • Breath Journey with Davis Cowles

    Sound Journey with Karla Miller

    This one of a kind experience will be held in a very sacred space, just a few miles down the road from True Nature. Here Davis will lead us through breath work to decompress our nervous systems and guide us into deep relaxation for a healing Sound Journey with Karla Miller. Utilizing various instruments, such as crystal bowls and gongs, Karla will align us with the vibrations of the cosmos - connecting us with cosmic consciousness and the vital essence of existence.

    This journey will end in guided meditation with your host, Nicole Lindstrom.


    Davis Cowles is a Life, Breath, and Movement Coach with a deep background in wilderness-based leadership education, yoga, and outdoor adventure. He's fascinated by the place where breath and movement merge, and passionate about supporting bold individuals in their process of becoming, one breath at a time.




  • With Alya Howe

    In this 3 hour workshop, we will awaken our minds, bodies and spirits through explorative movement and reflective introspection - to feel the vibrant truth of who we are.


    Alya Howe is a beloved True Nature yoga teacher and is an award-winning UK born dancer, storyteller, poet, and performance artist. She is also the founder of Under Alya’s Umbrella, a performing arts organization under which she is currently the performing arts programmer of 3 local series; the Poetry Brothel, Writ Large, and the Salon.

    Alya uses all of her tools to facilitate greater ease, belonging and freedom.

  • We invite you to enjoy personal time relaxing and exploring our Cafe, Boutique, Spa and Peace Garden.

    As a retreat participant - you receive 10% off any Spa Service should you choose to experience our spa during this time.

    If you would like to book a Spa Service, please book at your earliest convenience to ensure your spot.

    The link to the Spa menu is HERE.

    Call this number to book your service - 970.963.9900 extension 1.

  • With Singing Bone Medicine Show


    Singing Bone Medicine Show is a group of puppeteers and performers from Paonia, Colorado.

    Here is their story:

    "There once were two sisters, call them Mythic and Modern. Mythic sang the songs that found resonance in the blood, bone and souls of the “common” folk. Modern chose a prose that appealed to the elites self-serving notions of advancement and progress. One day, jealous of her sister’s love and popularity among the people, Modern killed Mythic, burying her bones high in the hills under a Juniper Tree. With Mythic gone, Modern remade much of the world in her image, fancying herself the New Queen. However, as Modern’s power grew the hearts of the people sank, and in time, they could take no more. It was then that some began digging into the dirt of the subconscious, of dreams, of the umbral hauntings found beneath the Juniper Tree. When they eventually unearthed the old bones of Mythic, those bones began to sing. Their songs revealed Modern’s betrayal and reawakened that deep and resonant hum within the people. The Singing Bone Medicine show is blessed to work with such songs and bones.

    The Singing Bone Medicine Show, as the name would suggest, both digs for and shares with others the living, yet often obscured, “song bones” that are the dreams of the earth given form in the myths, fables, legends and stories of the world’s variegated patchwork of human cultures. Our medium for this work is equally as olden and arcane as the stories themselves– puppetry, the theater of haunted rags where trickster speaks from behind a mask.

    We offer ourselves and the song bones we carry to you."

  • With Brittany Geis

    Join True Nature teacher Brittany Geis for her specialty class - Candlelit MFR, Restore, & Beats.

    During this class Brittany will guide you through Myofascial Release (MFR) techniques utilizing RAD products to aid in muscular recovery, unwinding stored tension and reducing inflammation in the body. Benefits include reestablishing healthy movement patterns and assisting in fluid range of motion. MFR will be complemented with restorative poses to aid in these releases in the candlelight. Deep Lofi Beats will be included.


    Brittany was born in Aspen and grew up on the front range in Boulder. She found the practice of yoga during her early years of college and felt at home when coming to her mat. Brittany is an E-RYT 200, RYT 500 and teaches various styles of yoga including vinyasa, hot, restore and Myofascial Release (MFR). Her trainings include Power, Hatha, Alignment, Yin Yoga and RAD Mobility. In her classes you’ll find authenticity, empowerment to work towards your best self, a safe space for community, and her love for music. Brittany is forever a student embodying the wisdom of yoga.

    You can stay up to date with Brittany’s offerings such as wellness retreats, workshops, YTT and events at or follow along on IG @brittgeisyoga for local offerings.



  • With Nicole Lindstrom

    Ceremony and activation through legacy cacao, breath, movement, meditation and writing.


    As a ceremonialist for Legacy Cacao, Nicole leads Cacao Ceremonies all over the valley, tapping individuals and groups into the truth of their heart wisdom.

  • With your host, Nicole Lindstrom




Nicole Lindstrom

Nicole Lindstrom is a yoga and meditation teacher who teaches all over the world. She is the co-author of “WANDERLUST: A Modern Yogi's Guide To Becoming Your Best Self" and founder of GLDMND, guiding individuals and groups to the gold that lies within.

From guiding hikes and meditations with Wanderlust to leading global retreats with Yogascapes and Lead with Love, Nicole has an incredible depth of expertise and knowledge in holding space and curating group experiences.



All photos taken by Sky Lahood