Planting Seeds of Intention 

As we near the Spring Equinox what seeds do you want to plant in the garden of your heart? What intentions do you want to germinate? We each have an important role to play in creation. 

Your heart resides in the center of consciousness—in the center of all that is. Your seeds of intention, when planted in the right conditions—prayer, gratitude, humility, love, passion, truth,… can change the world.

It’s time for us to transition from lack to abundance, from subconscious reaction to conscious intentional response. It’s time to stop seeking fulfillment in an illusory meta-verse and instead seek connection within ourselves, families, communities, and nature. It’s time for us to play an active role in the solution to the challenges we see every day in the world. 

It’s easy to focus on and give our energy to what’s wrong but truly possible to become and share what’s right, true, virtuous, and moral. 

Spring is on your doorstep, what seeds do you want to sow? Let go of the myriad distractions and be the connection, peace and love you seek. Your light is waiting to shine within yourself and upon all creation. GO FOR IT! 

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