Love Is An Ocean

There’s a deep ocean of love inside us, in fact, we are in it. Not only are we in it, we are it. This love is very subtle but also vast. It’s always here but we often miss it because we are busy in thought and doing. 

This love births and swallows the sun and moon each day. It contains mountains larger than the Himalayas within its depths. It is both serene and dangerously powerful. 

How do we access this ocean of love that is our birthright and essential nature—by dis-empowering the ego that reinforces its false self each day when we live in fear and feed the hungry mouth of desire. We access this love when we dissolve our self-importance, entitlement, and ignorance of who we truly are and welcome gratitude for all we have and who we are.  

My prayer for myself and for you this day, month, year, and lifetime is that we recognize how beautiful we are. It is time to let go of being scared and small and ashamed. It’s time to live our passion and share our gifts with the world. The time is now and within this now lies a vast and ever-present ocean of love. 

Your love is an ocean, and you are that ocean. 

Co-Founder | Co-President at:

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