
Building A Strong Foundation For The Future 

Looking back on 2022, we accomplished a lot. We transitioned to a non-profit 501c3 Foundation, hired a Development Director, Andrew Whitt, who is off to a great start, welcomed Alyse Gentry into the Interim Executive Director position, and surpassed pre-pandemic numbers. As a board of trustees, we processed 15 years of True Nature history, explored present challenges, refined our vision, and set intentions for the future. 

Why the transition into a non-profit? It was always our intention to become a non-profit foundation once the development was complete. In January 2022, after two years of planning, Deva and I donated the land, buildings, and business to the foundation. We will continue to support True Nature and look forward to guiding the Board of Trustees, which oversees the financial well-being and vision of True Nature. 

What is True Nature? True Nature is an intentional space for inspiration, connection, and self discovery. We are a center for conscious living, supporting individuals in discovering their life purpose and living it. 

How can you support this next phase of our evolution: through participation, becoming a friend of the Peace Garden, and underwriting world-class teachers and teachings? All donations will support our staff with a living wage, provide scholarships to those with fewer means, help maintain buildings and grounds and support the expansion of our educational programming. 

It’s been wonderful spending the last two weeks at True Nature, seeing the vibrancy, community participation, and holiday spirit. Thank you to our dedicated and passionate staff for doing a wonderful job holding space and welcoming the community. Deva and I could not be happier! Thank you and here’s to a great 2023!

With Gratitude,
Eaden Shantay
True Nature Healing Arts Foundation