Inner Strength and Personal Power


This month at True Nature we are exploring the topic of inner strength and personal power. This aspect of our being is associated with the solar plexus, the third chakra, and the center of will. Inner strength and personal power give us the energy and confidence to meet life’s challenges, learn our life lessons, live our purpose and cultivate self-knowledge.

There are so many factors that affect our strength and power, from nature—our genetics, to nurture—the way we were raised, to our lifestyle. At this point, we can’t do much about nature and nurture, therefore lifestyle holds the key to establishing and maintaining our will center. Like our physical muscles, the will center needs a daily workout to be strong and healthy.

In my own life I have often struggled with discipline related to my personal practices, a healthy diet, getting to bed at a decent time, and maintaining focus on my priorities. I have to make a concerted effort every day to strengthen my will.

In this day and age, there are so many distractions that use up our energy and distract us from what is truly important. We often spend more time streaming the lives of others than living our own. Most of us are caught in the matrix of western culture—politics, entertainment, and technology, seeking pleasure and running from discomfort.

What can you do to strengthen your will center so that you can thrive? Take time each morning and evening to self-reflect on why you are here and whether or not you are living your purpose. Establish and commit to a daily morning practice that guides the flow of your energy throughout the day. Review your inputs of media, food, socialization, and work and ask yourself if they enhance or diminish your life force.

You have the power and the choice to create the life you desire—though this journey will require intention, attention, and effort. You can do it!

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